教学科研 成果 |
一、发表论文 1.邓欧平,唐琪超,叶丽等. 川西平原小流域不同水体N2O排放特征及驱动因素研究[J]. 生态学报, 2021. 2.Luo L, H Ye, Zhang D, Gu J, Deng O, 2021. The dynamics of phosphorus fractions and the factors driving phosphorus cycle in zoige plateau peatland soil. Chemosphere, 130501. (IF=5.8,责作) 3.Deng O, Chen Y, Lan T, et al., 2021. Contribution of atmospheric N deposition to riverine N load in a forest-dominated watershed through field monitoring for three years. Chemosphere, 266. (IF=5.8) 4.Deng O, Li X, Deng L, Luo L, 2020. Emission of CO2 and CH4 from a multi-ditches system in rice cultivation region: Flux, temporal-spatial variation and effect factors. Journal of Environmental Management, 270:110918. (IF=5.6) 5.Luo, L, Wang, G, Shi, G, Zhang, M, Jing, Z, He J, Xiao Y, Tian D., Zhang Y, Deng S, Zhou W, Lan T, Deng O, 2019. The characterization of biochars derived from rice straw and swine manure, and their potential and risk in N and P removal from water. Journal of Environmental Management. 245, 1-7. (IF=5.6,责作) 6.Deng O, Zhang S, Deng L et al., 2019. Atmospheric dry nitrogen deposition and its relationship with local land use in a high nitrogen deposition region. Atmospheric Environment. Atmospheric dry nitrogen deposition and its relationship with local land use in a high nitrogen deposition region. Atmospheric Environment. 203, 114-120. (IF=4.0) 7.Deng,O.P., Li. X., Xiao, Y.L., Zhang, S.R., Deng, L.J., Lan, T., Luo, L., Gao, X.S., Zhou, W., Zhang, J., Ling, J., 2019. Emission of nitrous oxide from plain multi-ditch system and its impact factors. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 26, 16596. (IF=3.1) 8.Deng,O.P., Zhang, S.R., Deng, L.J., Zhang, C.L., Fei, J.B., 2018. Wet nitrogen deposition across the urban-intensive agricultural–rural transect of a small urban area in southwest China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25 (8), 7866–7874. (IF=3.1) 9.邓欧平, 张春龙, 唐锐, 周正斌, 刘怡, 冯香荣, 张世熔. 气象因素对成都平原夏季大气氮、磷连续性沉降的影响.BET体育365投注官网学报. 2018,36(2):223-232, 10.张春龙,邓欧平,李曦,唐锐. 大气磷干沉降采样方法对比分析. 环境监测管理与技术. 2019,(4):53-5.(CSCD, 责作) 11.万柯均, 邓欧平, 邓良基, 吴铭, 寇长江, 张宇豪. 周边土地利用类型对川西平原西河氮素的影响. 中国环境科学2018,38(12):4669~4677 (EI, 责作) 二、获奖 1.2013年获得四川省科技进步二等奖 2.2017年获得四川省科技进步二等奖 3.2019年获得全国农牧渔业丰收奖一等奖 4.2018年获得教学质量一等奖 |