一、发表论文 1.Shixiang Li,Yu Yang,Yali Wei. Study on Agricultural Carbon Emission Estimation and Grading Evaluation——Taking Chengdu as an Example[C].Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Environmental Science and Civil Engineering,2021:2047-2053. 2.YANG Yu,LI Shixiang,WEI Yali. Study on Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Commercial Service Land Price in Main Urban Area of Daying County[C]//Proceedings of The 8th Academic Conference of Geology Resource Management and Sustainable Development,2020:1030-1035. 3.Huan LI,Shixiang LI,Haiting ZHANG,Yali WEI. Study on the Interrelationship between Industrial Structure and Land Use Structure in Chengdu[C].Conference Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Project Management,2019:307-313. 4.Shixiang LI,Zhiwei YIN,Yali WEI. Study on Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Valley-type Rural Settlements——Taking Yinchanggou,Pengzhou City as an Example[C].Proceedings of the 7th Academic Conference of Geology Resource Management and Sustainable Development,2019:411-416. 5.Understanding rural housing abandonment in China's rapid urbanization. Habitat International.2017,6(67):13-21 6.Evaluation of Low-carbon Tourism in Xingwen World Geo-Park Based on DPSIR Model, Proceedings of the 4th Academic Conference of Geology Resource M,2016,1(16):1-5 7.Evaluation of the Tourism Traffic Carbon Footprint in Xingwen World Geopark. Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2016, 851:697-700. 8.Fuzzy Evaluation of the Tourist Satisfaction Degree Based on IPA Model-Taking Xingwen World Geopark as an Example, proceedings of the third academic conference of geology resource,2015,1(17):1-7 9.Exploration and Evaluation of Tourism Resources engineering for XingWen Geo-park. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014 (668-669):1667-1670 10.Physico-Chemical and Eenzyme Activity Properties of the Arable Soils in Lhasa,Tibet, China. Journal of Mountain Science,2012,9(4):558-569 11.Features of eco-environmental and ecological estoration in the Yuanmou Dry-hot Valley of Yunnan, China. 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, ICBBE 2011, 6:29-31 12.李欢,魏雅丽,闫帮国,孙毅.元谋干热河谷沟蚀地区植被恢复对土壤养分和酶活性的影响[J].土壤通报,2020,51(05):1118-1126. 13.张钦然,魏雅丽,李世香,陈友智.山地资源型城市转型能力与城市资源压力耦合关系研究——以雅安市为例[J].BET体育365投注官网学报,2019,37(06):876-884. 14.魏雅丽,贺玉晓,金杰等.元谋干热河谷典型植被枯落物持水能力研究,干旱区资源与环境.2014,3(28):181-186 15.魏雅丽,郭芬芬,陈安强等.元谋干热河谷植被恢复对土壤酶活性的影响特征,农业环境科学学报.2011,30(1):100-106 二、出版教材及著作 1.刘刚才,纪中华,魏雅丽,等著.干热河谷退化生态系统典型恢复模式的生态响应与评价.北京:科学出版社,2011. 2.税伟,张斌,戴林冲,谭跃明,王兴贵,魏雅丽等著,中国兴文世界地质公园绿色发展分析与创新对策,北京:光明日报出版社,2011.12 3.罗彬,王恒,陈明扬,周斌,何锦峰,彭忆强,赵锐,魏雅丽等著.四川省绿色低碳发展形势与展望(2020)——推动绿色复苏,促进低碳转型,成都:西南交通大学出版社,2021.5 三、获奖 1.2021年《“双师合一、五位一体、三三联动”资源环境类专业育人体系构建与实践》获得校级一等奖; 2.2021年《面向国家战略的农业资源与环境类专业本科人才培养体系的构建与实践》获得校级二等奖; 3.2021年获得BET体育365投注官网优秀共产党员; 4.2020年获得校优秀专业负责人; 5.2016、2017年获得BET体育365投注官网社会服务(扶贫)先进个人; 6.2016年获得BET体育365投注官网本科课堂教学质量一等奖; 7.2011年兴文石海世界地质公园可持续发展机制与模式研究,宜宾市科技进步二等奖和兴文县科技进步一等奖。 |